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Addiction impacts the lives of millions of Americans and their communities each year. Without treatment, people living with addiction may face serious, sometimes life-threatening consequences to their mental and physical health. Many people with an untreated addiction get caught up in legal or financial trouble that changes the course of their life.
While addiction is a serious condition, it is also complex. The factors that lead a person to develop an addiction can vary. People with addiction may resist getting treatment or may not know how to get the help they need.
For this reason, sometimes, a judge may require a person to complete an addiction treatment program. Court-mandated treatment is often required of people who have been involved in illegal activity and live with addiction or another substance use disorder (SUD).
When addiction treatment is mandated, some may worry that it won’t be as effective as if a person chose to seek help. In many cases, court-ordered rehab is offered as an alternative to jail time. In others, it may be a requirement for release or parole. At times, the person who receives a court order to go to rehab may be resistant to treatment or reject the idea that they need it.
Court-mandated treatment can be effective in helping someone overcome addiction. Motivation and a willingness to change are essential factors in addiction recovery. Whether a person is in court-ordered rehab or has chosen to seek help, this is true.
Who is Eligible for Court-Mandated Treatment?
Substance abuse and addiction are common in the United States prison population. Research suggests that about 85% of all incarcerated people committed a crime under the influence of drugs or alcohol or meet the criteria for a substance use disorder.[1]
Spending time in jail does not provide people with the support and treatment they need to overcome an addiction. People with a substance use disorder or addiction need comprehensive treatment to overcome the condition. For this reason, a judge may choose to sentence a person to court-ordered rehab instead of jail.
To make this decision, a judge may consider:
- The severity of a person’s addiction
- The details of their crime
- Their legal history
- A person’s motivation to overcome their addiction
Many eligible people are allowed to seek treatment instead of spending time behind bars.
Another reason why a person may be mandated to go to rehab is that they have been involuntarily committed by a friend or family member. The majority of U.S. states allow loved ones to force someone to go to rehab via the courts.
What are the Goals and Benefits of Court-Ordered Rehab?
The goal of court-mandated treatment is the same as any other addiction treatment program: to help people overcome addiction and learn the skills they need to live a healthy, sober lifestyle. Court-mandated treatment also aims to provide treatment to people who are unlikely to seek treatment otherwise.
Addiction treatment programs are designed to help people overcome addiction’s physical, behavioral, and environmental aspects. The result is that people have a higher quality of life, require fewer community interventions, and are at lowered risk for serious health issues, financial difficulties, and illegal activities.
In addition to reducing a person’s likelihood of committing other crimes, court-mandated treatment can reduce costs related to incarceration. An investment in addiction treatment can save communities thousands of dollars per person in legal expenses.[2]
Who Pays for Court-Ordered Rehab?
The defendant is responsible for the costs related to court-ordered rehab. If they have health insurance, many treatment costs may be covered.
If someone does not have insurance and meets the criteria for Medicaid or other public insurance programs, they may apply for this type of coverage.
In some cases, a person may have the opportunity to attend a state-funded treatment program. Some facilities may offer a sliding scale based on a person’s income. Many will create a payment plan that allows clients to pay for treatment in smaller installments over time.
Does Court-Ordered Rehab Work?
The limited research on this topic suggests that court-mandated treatment is effective. Like all addiction treatment, to be effective, a program must be:
- Evidence-based
- Comprehensive
- Adaptable
- Attentive
Personal motivation is one of the essential aspects of success in addiction recovery. There is no cure for addiction. Instead, people must find ways to stay engaged in recovery and committed to sobriety for life.
Drug courts often offer extensive assistance to people during and after treatment. People who complete treatment may receive help finding work, housing, or community support. When people have their practical needs met, they are more likely to avoid relapse. Some studies even show that forced rehab is just as effective as voluntary rehab.[3]
Find Help for Yourself or an Addicted Loved One
If you or someone you love require addiction treatment or are required to participate in court-ordered rehab, reach out to the specialists at Rehab Recovery Centers.
We will work to verify your insurance, recommend a treatment plan, and connect you to the professionals and programs you need to start your recovery journey.
Don’t wait another day for the treatment you need. Reach out to us today.
Get Help Today
Don’t go through the process of recovery alone. There are people who can help you with the struggle you’re facing. Get in touch with one today.